Sunday, October 7, 2012

Modern Drawing Opening 10.05.12

Here's a brief peek at the opening of Scott Seekins Presents: Modern Drawing at Cult Status Gallery.

Thanks to all the talented artists who contributed and especially to Scott Seekins and Erin Sayer for putting together this amazing show for us to participate in.  And as always a big thanks to all of you who make it out to these shows, I'm very grateful for your support.

Atrocity Exhibition JA©2007
Joe Aschebrock at Cult Status Gallery

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Scott Seekins Presents: Modern Drawing, The Lost Art

Lampwick JA©2012
I've got some work in the upcoming Cult Status Gallery show, Scott Seekins Presents: Modern Drawing, The Lost Art.   

Modern Drawing opens Friday October 5th and runs through October 19th.  Cult Status Gallery is located at 2913 Harriet Avenue South Minneapolis, MN.

I've always had an affinity for drawing, it's immediacy and it's accessibility.  It's my medium of choice.  I'm pretty excited to be participating. Here is a preview of two of the four works I'll have in the show.

Sanitarium JA©2004